Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful form of healing and the benefits are felt on all levels.  As a natural healing system, it can benefit everyone, from young babies to adults and is a safe, non-invasive treatment.  It can be used alongside other complementary therapies or conventional medicine.  Reiki can be given on a treatment couch or sitting in a chair, therefore making it an easy treatment to receive.

Reiki can help the body to reach an inner state of harmony, physically, mentally and spiritually.  As well as helping many physical ailments, it can also promote the changing of any negative mental habits, turning these into more positive and productive thought patterns.  Once we begin to think more positively, our lives and our health become more positive too.

Reiki and Stress Reduction

Treatments with Reiki energy can reduce stress within the body, thereby inducing a state of relaxation.  The body can then be allowed to begin the healing process.  While stress is not considered an illness, most people have experienced it.  When stress is being felt for a prolonged period of time, then the body can begin to be affected both physically and mentally, as it weakens the immune system.  In the UK alone, the Health & Safety Executive report that an estimated half million people experience stress at a level that makes them ill and unable to work.  In addition, to this, so many people are now taking anti-depressants to allow them to cope with life.  However, Reiki can help with stress reduction, which has the added benefit of boosting the immune system.

The following is from the UK Reiki Federation website

“What are the Benefits?

Illness can be a time of great stress.  Reiki can help us cope by encouraging relaxation and bringing balance to both mind and emotions.

Benefits reported by clients and patients of our Practitioner members include deep relaxation, promoting a calm, peaceful sense of well being on all levels.

Reiki encourages and supports positive personal choices, such as improving diet, taking more exercise, devoting time for rest or leisure activities, any may reduce the need for alcohol and tobacco.  Engendering greater inner harmony and balance, regular Reiki treatments promote a calmer response to life’s challenges.

Reiki’s gentle energy is easily adapted to most medical conditions and may be used safely by people of all ages, including the newborn, pregnant mothers, surgical patients, the frail and the elderly, in any situation.

Being complementary, Reiki works effectively alongside orthodox healthcare and natural remedies, expanding treatment options.

Reiki can enhance everyday living and regular sessions may help to promote development of a healthier, more resourceful state of being.

Note:  Reiki is being used in various settings including private practice, complementary therapy centres, GP surgeries, hospitals, hospices, cancer support groups, post-operative recovery, drug rehabilitation, prisons, HIV/AIDS centres, and in the care of the elderly.”