Complete the pre visit Covid-10 Medical Questionnaire and Covid-19 Declaration electronically
- Please arrive at Essence on time, wearing a face covering
- Use the NHS QR code to gain entry, via your mobile phone or allow your details to be taken manually for NHS Track and Trace
- Use the automatic hand sanitiser on entry to the premises
- Have your temperature taken with a forehead thermometer
- Place your belongings in a plastic box provided for you and carry to the Garden Room
- Bring all your own drinks, food and utensils for the duration of the visit
We are keeping you safe by following all the guidance to remain a Covid-19 secure venue. This includes: –
- A maximum of 3 people in the Garden Room
- Students will be seated 2 metres apart to comply with social distancing
- Students will be required to wear a face covering for entry to Essence, for any breaks, any bathroom breaks and for leaving the premises
- Full PPE will be used when giving close contact treatments, which will be provided for you and includes a clear face visor, unlimited Type II face masks, unlimited disposable gloves, unlimited disposable aprons
- Extra safeguarding will be used when treating around the head area
- The treatment couch will have a plastic cover on and will be disinfected before and after each use. Couch roll will then be used to cover the entire couch and be replaced after each use
- The pillow has a plastic cover on which will be disinfected before and after each use. Couch roll will then be used to cover the entire pillow and be replaced after each use
- Blankets are now boil washed before each use. Will only be used once and will be boil washed after each use
- Hand sanitiser will be provided throughout the day and will be used before any close contact and after any close contact
- We will either have hourly breaks for ventilation via a large bi-fold door, or we will keep the door open through the whole day
- The Attunement process, which is considered close contact, will be adapted to comply with social distancing and hygiene measures. You will be required to wear a face mask or face covering. I will wear full PPE
- The bathroom will be checked throughout the day. However, we ask that visitors use the wipes before using the toilet, use the wipes again afterwards, wash their hands for 20 seconds and dry them with the paper towels. These to be placed in the lidded peddle bin. That they then use the hand sanitiser before leaving the room
- A daily risk assessment is carried out by both Essence and Reiki Light
- A daily cleaning checklist is adhered to by both Essence and Reiki Light
- Inform Reiki Light if you feel unwell prior to your visit or on the day
- Inform Reiki Light if you feel unwell up to 14 days after your visit
- Should anyone at the venue report they are feeling unwell prior to, during or up to 14 days after your visit, you will be notified in writing and by phone
- Make all payments to Reiki Light electronically
Please sign to say you have read these protocols and abide by them
Full Name: ………………………………………………. Date………………………